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East Herts


Hole in One Alert

Congratulations to Doug Stevenson who bagged his first hole in one this week
No better place to do it than the 18th hole @easthertsgolfclub followed by the customary drinks in the bar afterwards

Hole in One Alert !

Congrats to Carl Saunders on his first ever hole in one last Saturday

A perfectly struck 7 iron on the 2nd hole, followed by drinks for all in the bar

Hole in One Alert!

What a week @easthertsgolfclub back to back hole in ones!!
After Alex Walker bagged an ace on Tuesday, Geraldine Gillham hit her third ever hole in one yesterday!
This time on the 2nd hole, with a sweetly struck driver
It’s was drinks all round in the bar afterwards

Hole in One Alert!

Big news from the Tuesday Roll up!!
Congrats to Alex Walker hitting his third ace (first at EHGC) on the tricky 18th hole!
Beers all round, was never in doubt

Captain’s Day

Captain, Michael Johnson smiling as always despite 18 holes played mostly in heavy rain. Not what we hoped for on his Captain’s Day!
Thanks to @faubelneil for helping out with some much needed squeegeeing on the 18th

Hole in One Alert!

Congrats to Rod Garland who hit an ace on the 2nd hole with a sweetly struck 5 iron!
Rod is somewhat of a specialist on this hole….it is the third time he has aced it
The first time he holed it was in 1985, then again in 2001 and nearly 40 years on, he does it again
As the bar was quiet Rod made a significant donation to the Captains Charity as well

Hole in One Alert!

Big news from this morning’s Jubilee Sword!
Congrats to Pete Algar making his first ever ace with a sweetly struck 5 iron on the 15th hole.
It was never in doubt it would be beers all round

Women’s County Seniors Team

Millennium Chalice

Hole in One Alert!

Here we go again…another hole in one @easthertsgolfclub what a talented bunch of members we have!
Congrats to Sue Lynch who hit her first hole in one on Wednesday, with a driver on the 2nd hole
On a busy ladies competition day, it was drinks all round